Help light the path to Koniag student success!
Your donation helps our people achieve their potential through education.
$29,651 raised
$25,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
At this moment, Koniag Shareholders and Descendants in schools across the country are doing something incredible. They're studying and learning skills to help them realize their dreams so that they can become our community's teachers, engineers, boat captains, attorneys, welders, and much more. Our people and students are remarkable and can accomplish anything they set their minds to.
With the support of donors like you, Koniag Education Foundation is able to assist Koniag Shareholders and Descendants in reaching their educational goals. Our mission is to help our people achieve their potential through education, and we live this mission by investing in the future. Will you give the gift of education? Your donation directly funds the scholarships and programs that help Alutiiq students succeed.